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2007 NASA Honor Awards

2007 NASA Honor Awards
NASA medals for Exceptional Achievement and Equal Employment Opportunity.

Several JPL roboticists are recipients of 2007 NASA Honor Awards. These are:

Larry Matthies - Exceptional Achievement Medal

For exceptional achievement in computer vision research and outstanding technical contributions toward successful deployments of machine vision systems for Mars Exploration Rovers and Mars Pathfinder missions.

Edward Tunstel - Equal Employment Opportunity Medal

For outstanding achievement in Robotics Engineering, contributions to 2004 Mars Exploration Rovers mission, and consistent support of Equal Opportunity Programs by sharing his experience to inspire Program participants.

Andrew Johnson, Yang Cheng, Reg Willson, Jay Goguen, Chris Leger, Miguel Sanmartin - Group Achievement Award

For innovation and development of the Descent Image Motion Estimation System (DIMES) for the Mars Exploration Rover (MER) mission, which played a mission-critical role in safe landing of the MER landers.

ATHLETE Development Team - Group Achievement Award

For rapid development and demonstration of the All Terrain Hex-Legged Extraterrestrial Explorer.