Several JPL Robotics members are recipients of NASA Honor Awards for their accomplishments. Many were recognized for contributions to the Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) Mars Rover. The recipients are:
Paul Backes - Exceptional Service Medal
For leading the development of autonomy for robotic manipulation and concept designs enabling future Mars and small body sampling missions.
Matthew Heverly - Exceptional Achievement Medal
For the development and operations of the MSL Rover Mobility capability.
Mark Maimone - Exceptional Achievement Medal
For the development and deployment of autonomous surface navigation for the MSL rover, enabling traverses beyond the rover’s line of sight on Mars.
Joseph Melko - Exceptional Achievement Medal
For innovation in the conception, design, and development of the MSL sampling capability.
Avi Okon - Exceptional Achievement Medal
For providing essential contributions to the development and successful operation of the MSL drill, as the Drill Cognizant engineer and Rover Planner.
Matthew Robinson - Exceptional Achievement Medal
For leading for the Mars Science Laboratory mission Robotic Arm Systems Engineering Team and contributions as the Lead Robotic Arm Rover Planner.
Vandi Tompkins - Exceptional Achievement Medal
For leading the development of MSL Surface Simulation Software that enables effective operation of the Curiosity rover on Mars.
RoboSimian Development and Operations Team - Group Achievement Award
For advances in the field of robotic mobile manipulation as executed within the development and operation of the Robosimian robot.