Screen capture of the tool.
In collaboration with the JPL Visualization Technology Application and Development group, the JPL Robotics Section is leading a task to develop a browser-based, multi-mission visualization system that leverages content from the current JPL
“Eyes on Exoplanets” system, with a planned first deployment for the JPL Exoplanet web page. The new multi-mission system is being developed in C++, JavaScript and WebGL and is designed to run on a variety of platforms that include smartphones, tablets, laptops and engineering workstations. High-resolution planetary imagery, artist renderings and geometry for spacecraft and planetary bodies will be used to display any chosen system from the over 1000 Exoplanet systems. New Exoplanet systems will be added as NASA spacecraft and telescopes make new discoveries. Planned future uses of the visualization system will include solar system and robotic system visualization, flight mission operations support and additional education and public outreach tools.