Three mobility systems examples modeled with M3Tk.
JPL will demonstrate the feasibility of developing and validating a high fidelity, mechanics and multibody dynamics based robot design tool called the Mobility and Manipulation Modeling Tool Kit (M3Tk). The software package will be disseminated under open source licensing. M3Tk is based on cutting edge multibody dynamics algorithms coupled with collision detection and contact mechanics. It enables modeling environments such as natural or human-made terrain and interactions of robotic systems with the environment. It enables concurrent 3D visualization and rapid model development. For validation of the models, JPL will collaborate with UC Berkeley in conducting experiments on the Berkeley OctoRoach robot. When fully developed, M3Tk will be a comprehensive and robust tool for high fidelity mathematical modeling of robot mobility and manipulation towards supporting rapid concept development, design and trade studies, and controls development.
This work is done in collaboration with
Prof. Ron Fearing at UC Berkeley.