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347D - Robotics Modeling and Simulation

The Robotics Modeling and Simulation Group:

  • performs modeling, analysis, simulation, visualization, and system performance evaluation of a large class of autonomous vehicle systems
  • develops and tests physics-based models and simulations of many types of planetary and terrestrial autonomous vehicle systems across multiple domains in support of system design, mission analysis and operations
  • leads technology development and mission infusion of models and simulation of autonomous robotic systems in multiple domains: underwater, underground, surface, aerial, space and human systems
  • Technologies involved include Multiphysics, Multibody, Multiscale, Multidomain, Multiagent modeling, dynamics, and autonomy for:
    • Physics-based modeling and simulation: flexible multibody dynamics, contact interactions, granular media, space, hydrodynamics, aerodynamics, locomotion
    • Ground control sequencing, simulation, visualization, and human-robot interaction software
    • Model-based dynamics and control for increased system performance in all environments encountered in planetary exploration
    • Integrated modeling bridging across relevant disciplines
    • Input to (flight, technology) projects in the areas: surface mobility and soil-wheel interaction, autonomous GN&C, safe spacecraft landing/sampling/mobility, aerial/rotorcraft, underwater/ice mobility, surface vessel autonomy
    • Research in new areas of physical modeling: algorithms, controls, simulation

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