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Summer Interns - 2017

Row 1 (bottom row, left to right): Bhoram Lee, Helena Wu, Evan Yu, Jasmine Moreno, Sarah Martin, Sarah Cooper, Changrak Choi, Sonia Gonzalez

Row 2 (second row from bottom, left to right): Daniel Nugent, Sophia Liu, Sabrina Yin, Robert W. Miller, Siddarth Kaki, James Leith, Ariel Peterson, Janet Pham, Emilie Naples, Rafael Fueyo-Gomez

Row 3 (third row from botton, left to right): Sourish Ghosh, Sung Kim, Prashant Iyer, David Nnaji, Sahand Sabet, Jose Mendez, Aaron Havens, Moheith Manohara, Allen Cheng, Daniel Orol, Nathaniel Kaiser

Row 4 (fourth row from bottom, left to right): Elijah Pivo, Vincenzo Pesce, Nicholas Terrile, Diane Zhou, Tabitha Bailey, Jessica Gonzalez, Liam Gallagher, Johan Michalove, Lewis Jones, Deegan Atha, Ben Bradley, Bradd Carey

Row 5 (top row, left to right): Olivier Lamarie, Roger Fowler, Andrei Vasilev, Justin Jenkins, Kelly Burgess, Arthur Young, Jason Ma, Ari Brown, Max Pflueger, Christian Stewart, Tobias Shapinsky, Parker Durham, Aaron Ray, Ted Kern

Name Home Institution Program Point of Contact Task Name
Agrawal, Yshasvi Carnegie Mellon University JPLGF Larry Matthies Learning Near-to Far Depth Labeling for Autonomous Navigation
Akangah, Paul K North Caolina A&T JSFRP-Faculty Ali Agha Design and Control of prototype vehicles for planetry navigation
Albee, Keenan Columbia Univ School Engin-undergrad JPLSIP Adrian Stoica From Innovation to Fllight-Pilot Projects
Atha, Deegan J Purdue University JPLSIP Curtis Padgett Vertical Integrated Passive EO Ranger
Assam, Dillon C Calfiornia Institute of Technology SPLSIP Theodore Tzanetos Autonomy for Agile Micro Air Vehicles
Bailey, Tabitha Christa C University of California Riverside MSP Michael Garrett Lava Tube Exploration Robot
Ballew, Keith University of California San Diego JPLYIP Michael McHenry Rover Mobility Testing and Evaluation
Bhuta, Rishi University of Michigan-Ann Arbor JPLSIP Larry Matthies Visual-intertial State Estimation of MAVs with Thermal-Infrared Images
Bradly, Benjamin University of Nebraska-Lincoln Space Grant Ryan McCormick Forming On-orbit Robotic Manipulators (C-FORM)
Brown, Ari J TUFTS Univerity JPLSIP Marc Pomerantz Visualization and modeling for Cyber Defence software project
Burgess, Kelly S University of Notre Dame JPLSIP Matthew Frost Mars 2020 Robotic Arm
Burkhardt, Matthew R California Institute of Technology NSTRF Paul Backes Proprioceptive Adaptive Grasping
Carey, Braddley S University of california Riverside MSP Ali Agha Robotic Autonomy and Mobility Concept Design
Cheng, Allen Carnegie Mellon University JPLSIP Sawyer Brooks Optimizing Calibration Processes for Mars 2020 Robot Arms
Choi, Changrak Massachusetts Inst of Technology JPLSIP Oktay Arslan Inference, Estimation, and Control Problems in Autonomous Systems
Companeitz, Benjamin P Calif State Univ Northridge SPLYIP Jaakko Karras Software Development for Origami Robot Swarms
Cooper, Sarah S University of Chicago JPLSIP Jeng Yen Traction Control Implementation and Test for Mars Science Laboratory Mission Rover Operation
Cunningham, Christopher L Carnegie Mellon University NSTRF Issa Nesnas Non-Geometric Hazard Detection for Planetary Rovers
Donitz, benjamin P University of Michigan JPLYIP-SUM Adrian Stoica From Innovation to Flight - technologies for the Moon
Durhan, Parker I University of Nebraska-Lincoln Space Grant Ryan McCormick Cluster Forming On-orbit Robotic Manipulators (C-FORM)
Eastlund, Cole A University of Californian Irvine MSP Eric Kulcycki Software Development and Testing for Advanced Development Team Extraction Insertion and Manipulation and SRL Fetch Rover Study
Ebadi, Kamak Santa clara University JPLYIP Viet Nyguyen perception technologies for multi-mission, multi-agent maritime robotics
Eisner, Seth S UCLA JPLYIP-SUM Adrian Stoica From Innovation to Flight - technologies for the Moon
Elliott, David S Cornell University NSTRF Issa Nesnas Tumbling/Rolling Mobility with Polyhedral Rover
Fueyo-Gomez, Rafael California Institute of Technology SURF Jean Pierre de la Croix A Framework for Multi-Agent Robotics Software Development
Gallagher, Liam T University of Pennsylvania JPLSIP Michael Wolf Multi-mission multi-agent robotics for maritime applications: Perception and Autonomy
Gaut, Aaron J Calif State Polytechnic Univ Pomona JPLYIP Abhinandan Jain Multi-mission multi-agent robotics for maritime applications: Perception and Autonomy
Ghosh, Sourish Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur JVSRP Masahiro Ono Modeling and Simulation of Planetary Space Platforms
Ganzalez, Jessica University of California Riverside MSP Marc Pomerantz Mutli-agent simulation for robotic systems and autonomous maritime vessels
Guha, Anubhav Massachusetts Inst of Technology JPLSIP Paul Backes Sampling Chain Controls
Gyimah, Emmanuel K North Caolina A&T MSP Roland Brockers Micro Air Vehicle structural design and modelling
Hall, Hunter M University of California Berkeley SURF Adrian Stoica From Innovation to Flight - Pilot Projects
Havens, Aaron J IOWA State Univ Science & Technology JPLSIP Michael Wolf Multi-mission multi-agent robotics for maritime applications: Perception and Autonomy
Howard, Matthew S Santa Monica College MSP Yumi Iwashita Learning motion descriptors from image analysis
Iyer, Prashant G Indian Institute of space and Technology JPLSIP Issa Nesnas Rover Mobility and Navigation
Jenkins, Justin M USC JPLSIP Jason Carlton Rover Mobility and Navigation
Jones, Lewis California Institute of Technology SURF Russell Smith orbit Sample Transfer Technologies (MOSTT)
Jourdain, Ryan J Citrus college JVSRP Rnaud Detry Software and data annotation support for autonomous manipulation
Kaiser, Nathaniel J NorthWestern Univ JPLSIP Ryan McCormick M2020 Force Torque Sensor Development
Kaki, Siddarth B University of Texas-Austin JPLSIP Julie Tonsend Testing of Functional Concepts to support M2020 Sampling Caching Subsystem Robotics Analysi
Kern, Theodore E Carnegie Mellon University JPLSIP Aaron Parness LEMUR3 Electronics
Kim, Leon M Columbia University JVSRP Adrian Stoica Transformers
Kim, Sung K Carnegie Mellon University JPLGF Ali Agha Belief-space planning for perception-rich navigation of mobile robots
Kraus, Julie A Georgia Institute of Technology JPLSIP Kalind Carpenter Tensegrity Lander Prototyping
Lamarre, Olivier McGill University JVSRP Masahiro Ono NextGen AutoNav: Algorithm Development and Testing
Lee, Bho Ram University of Pennsylvania JPLSIP Renaud Detry Accurate Object Pose Estimation for Manipulation
Lee, Woosub Korea Institute of Science and Technology JSFRP-Faculty Issa Nesnas Icy Body Extreme-Terrain Mobility
Leith, James L Georgia Institute of Technology JPLSIP Ryan McCormick Cluster Forming On-orbit Robotic Manipulators (C-FORM)
Leps, Thomas University of Maryland JVSRP Aaron Parness Electrostatic Adhesive Gripper
Liu, Kelvin M Carnegie Mellon University JPLSIP Christopher Assad Movement Representation for Human Robot Interaction
Liu, Kevin UCLA JPLYIP-SUM Jason Carlton Roboticist Intern
Liu, Sophia California Institute of Technology JPLYIP Joshua Vander Hook Multi-Usv Autonomy For Seaborne Test Facilities
Ma, Jason Y Harvey Mudd College JPLSIP Abhinandan Jain Modeling and Simulation of Planetary Space Platforms
Manohara, Mohith Glendora High School SURF Steven Myint Simulation for robotic placement of instruments
Martin, Sarah A Arizona State University MSP Adrian Stoica Movement Representation for Human Robot Interaction
Martone, Matthew L Carnegie Mellon University JPLSIP Aaron Parness Asteroid Gripper Mechanism Development
Mandez, Jose A University of California Riverside MSP Ali Agha Robotic Autonomy and Mobility Concept Design
Michalove, Johan University of Washington JPLSIP Jeng Yen Mechanical design of vehicles for Mars navigation
Miller, Robert W University of Alaska Fairbanks Space Grant Ryan McCormick Robot Operational and Computational Service
Moreno, Jasmine University of California Riverside JPLSIP Eric Kulcycki Vision Software Development and Testing for Advanced Development Team Extraction Insertion and Manipulation
Morrell, Benjamin J The University of Sydney JVSRP Theodore Tzanetos Autonomy for Agile Micro Air Vehicles
Naples, Emilie F University of California Riverside MSP Ali Agha Robotic Autonomy and Mobility Concept Design
Pivo, Elijah John Hopkins Univ JPLSIP Jaakko Karras Embedded Electronics and Software for Origami Robots
Rajur, Vinay S Georgia Institute of Technology JPLSIP Theodore Tzanetos Autonomy for Agile Micro Air Vehicles
Ramachandran, Shreya Calfiornia Institute of Technology SURF Roland Brockers Integration of advanced autonomous navigation algorithms on a miniature quadrotor system
Ray, Aaron C Brown University JPLSIP Jean Pierre de la Croix A Framework for Multi-Agent Robotics Software Development
Rigter, Marc The University of Sydney JVSRP Theodore Tzanetos Autonomy for Agile Micro Air Vehicles
Sabet, Sahand University of Arizona JPLSIP Marco Quadrelli Modeling, Simulation, and Control of Planetary Vehicles
Salazar, Robert A University of California Santa Barbara JPLYIP Adrian Stoica Transformers - innovation to flight
Sanigepalli, SaiAdiVishnu Cornell University JPLSIP Russell Smith Mars On-orbit Sample Transfer Technologies (MOSTT)
Shapinsky, Tobias Franklin Wolin College of Engineering JPLSIP Cristina Sorice Barn Owl: Autonomous Landing of Small Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
Shen, Vivian H Columbia University SURF Neil Abcoumer Autonomy and Perception for Sample Transfer
Srivastava, Divya Rutgers University SURF Adrian Stoica From Innovation to Flight - Pilot Projects
Stewart, Christian Purdue University JPLSIP Roland Brockers autonomous navigation algorithms on a miniature quadrotor system
Strahle, Jackson W Cal Poly Pomona JPLSIP Paulo Younse In-orbit Capture Mechanism Design for Mars Sample Return
Summers, Colin X University of Washington JPLSIP Brandon Rothrock Semantic perception, representation, and control for intelligent robot manipulation
Suresh, Srinivasan A Stanford University NSTRF Aaron Parness Gecko-Like Adhesive Development
ten Pas, Andrea Northeastern University JPLGF Renaud Detry Task-oriented Robot Grasping
Terrile, Nicholas J USC JPLSIP Steven Myint Simulation for robotic placement of instruments
Tighe, Katherine C Duke University NASA UI Eric Kulcycki Task-oriented Robot Grasping
Vasilev, Andrei S Los Angeles Valley College JPLSIP Neil Abcoumer Autonomy and Perception for Sample Transfer
Villapudua, Yvonne Citrus college SURF Adrian Stoica From Innovation to Flight - Pilot Projects
Walker, Scott T Tulsa Community College MSP Kalind Carpenter Rapid prototyping
Wang, Kaixi University of Texas-Austin CSU STAR Amir Rahmani Real-Time Motion Planning for Teams of Unmanned Vehicles
Wisniewski, Lukasz L Space Research Centre PAS JPLGF Issa Nesnas In Situ Analysis of Regolith Properties on Small Solar System Bodies from Spacecraft/Rover Hybrids (extension)
Wu, Helena California Institute of Technology SURF Marc Pomerantz Mutli-agent simulation for robotic systems and autonomous maritime vessels
Yin, Sabrina L Univ of Illinois@Urbana-Champaign MSP Matthew Gilder Development of Marine Autonomy Technologies
Young, Arthur B Universtiy of Bristol JPLSIP Jeng Yen RSVP Integration Testing with Terrain Dependent Behavior Module
Yu, Evan California Institute of Technology SURF Travis Brown Extreme Terrain Robotics Mobility
Zhang, Mabel M University of Pennsylvania JVSRP Renaud Detry Tactile-based Robot Grasping
Aheng, Justin Y Georgia Institute of Technology JPLSIP Renaud Detry Underwater Robot Vision and Manipulation
Zhou, Diane Y Massachusetts Inst of Technology JPLSIP Abhinandan Jain Modeling and Simulation of Planetary Space Platforms