4800 Oak Grove Drive
Maira Saboia is a robotics technologist. She was a post-doctoral researcher at NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) working with Dr. Amir Rahmani (2022), and Dr. Michael Wolf (2019-2020), she was a visiting postdoc with the Team Costar led by Dr. Ali Agha while she was a post-doctoral researcher at Vale Institute of Technology (ITV) in Brazil under the supervision of Dr. Gustavo Pessin. She completed her Ph.D in Computer Science and Engineering at University at Buffalo, State University of New York, USA with Prof. Nils Napp, received her M.Sc. in Computer Scicence from the University of Campinas, Brazil working with Dr. Alexandre Xavier Falcão and her B.Sc. in Computer Engineering from the University of Pernambuco, Brazil with Prof. Carlos Alexandre Barros de Mello