Dr. Richard Madison is a member of the technical staff in the Computer Vision Group at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, CA. He received his B.Sc. degree at Harvey Mudd College in 1992 and his M.Sc. and Ph.D degrees at Carnegie Mellon University in 1994 and 1997, respectively. As a graduate student, he worked under the supervision of Prof. Takeo Kanade on methods to automate the mapping of image processing algorithms onto parallel DSP platforms.
He has worked in the Air Force Research Lab (SBIR management and On-orbit servicing concept development), at Creative Optics Inc. (computer graphics), and since 2002, at JPL. At JPL, he has worked on various computer vision projects including: target tracking for on-orbit rendezvous (ST6) and rover instrument placement (SCIP and ASTEP); autonomous robotic construction (Spiderbot); extending the computer vision functionality of JPL's reusable rover software library (CLARAty); trade studies regarding stereo imaging (MSL GNC); image synthesis for the ROAMS rover simulator; and testing vision-based autonomous rover navigation (GESTALT) using ROAMS.
His research interests include target tracking and (not exactly being pursued at the moment) perception for robot quadrupeds, including such technologies as navigation, scene parsing, object recognition/learning, and reflex decision making.
BS Eng, Harvey Mudd College '92
PhD ECE, CMU '97
Advisor: Takeo Kanade
Topic: mapping of image processing algorithms onto parallel DSP platforms
93-99 Air Force Research Lab (SBIR management, on-orbit servicing)
00-01 Creative Optics, Inc. (computer graphics)
02-present JPL (computer vision)
Computer vision - tracking, segmentation, navigation, learning
Walking robots