4800 Oak Grove Drive
Van Duong is a Robotics Electrical Engineer for JPL's Embedded Robotics System Group. She carries a wealth of experience for integration and testing from three different flight missions: Psyche, Europa Clipper, and the Mars Sample Return Lander. She also has a strong history of work experience at multiple NASA centers, robotics & civil engineering academic research centers, and within the airline industry. Her graduate work was centered around developing an inverse reinforcement algorithm to mimic the human decision making of an expert rover operator, putting together a COTS rover, and generating new research partnerships and proposals. Her prior work experience includes integration and testing, FPGA/electronics testing, software development, modeling/simulation/visualization, rover operations, and field testing high altitude balloon/COTS CubeSat.
Being an immigrant from Vietnam and first generation high school graduate, Van is a strong advocate for underserved and underrepresented communities both in her personal and professional life. At JPL, she is involved in a variety of efforts in increasing diversity on Lab and within the I&T/EE/STEM field. Outside of JPL, she finds time to help her community in various ways, including serving as a instructor leading minority children on outdoor excursions while teaching key lessons about communication, respect, and leadership.
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