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  1. K .Echigo, A. Cauligi, S. Bandyopadhyay, D. Scharf, G. Lantoine, B. Acikmese, and I. Nesnas, "Autonomy in the Real-World: Autonomous Trajectory Planning for Asteroid Reconnaissance via Stochastic Optimization (Publication)," in AIAA Scitech 2025, 01 January 2025.
  1. I. Nesnas, L. Kerber, G. Sellar, T. Balint, B. Denevi, A. Parness, R. Kornfeld, M. Smith, P. McGarey, T. Brown, E. Sunada, K. Gonter, B. Hockman, P. Hayne, T. Horvath, J. Hopkins, A. Johnson, R. Wagner, Y. Cheng, A. Curtis, K. Zacny, M. Paton, K. Sherrill, "Moon Diver: Exploring a pit's exposed strata to understand lunar volcanism," Acta Astronautica, Volume 211, pp. 163-176, 28 May 2023.
  2. A. Elhafsi, R. Sinha, C. Agia, E. Schmerling, I. Nesnas, M. Pavone, "Semantic Anomaly Detection with Large Language Models," arXiv:2305.11307, 18 May 2023.
  3. J. Villa, J. Mcmahon, and I. Nesnas, "Image Rendering and Terrain Generation of Planetary Surfaces Using Source-Available Tools," Conference: 2023 AAS Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conference, 03 February 2023.
  4. I. Nesnas, A. Johnson, T. Tzanetos, M. Maimone, M. McHenry, H. Ono, S. Chien, and B. Kennedy, "Robotics and Autonomy for Space Applications," Invited seminar by the Engineering Department at Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosi, Mexico, 01 January 2023.
  1. P. McGarey and I. Nesnas, "Four-Wheeled Articulated Steering Vehicle System," United States Patent, pp. 1-15, 06 September 2022.
  2. A. Goel, S. Bandyopadhyay, J. Lazio, P. Goldsmith, D. Bacon, A. Amara, S. Furnaletto, P. McGarey, R. Rafizadeh, M. Delapierre, M. Arya, D. Pisanti, G. Gupta, N. Chahat, A. Stoica, I. Nesnas, B. M. Quadrelli, G. Hallinan, K. Jenks, and R. Wilson, "Probing the Cosmic Dark Ages with the Lunar Crater Radio Telescope," arXiv (Cornell University), 02 June 2022.
  3. P. McGarey, I. Nesnas, A. Rajguru, M. Bezkronvy, V. Jamnejad, J. Lux, E. Sunada, L. Teitelbaum, A. Miller, S. Squyres, G. Hallinan, A. Hegedeus, J. Burns, "How to Deploy a 10-km Interferometric Radio Telescope on the Moon with Just Four Tethered Robots," 2022 IEEE Aerospace Conference (AERO), Big Sky, MT, USA, pp. 1-8, 05 March 2022.
  4. J. Villa, J. McMahon, B. Hockman, I. Nesnas, "Autonomous Navigation and Dense Shape Reconstruction Using Stereophotogrammetry at Small Celestial Bodies," 2022 AAS Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conference, Breckenridge, CO, USA, 08 February 2022.
  5. J. Day, R. Rasmussen, I. Nesnas, "Principles for Architecting Autonomous Systems," NASA Technical Reports Server, 03 February 2022.
  1. C. Norton, F. Hadaegh, R. Castano, S. Y. Kim-Castet, S. Chung, E. McLarney, L. Deutsch, A. Mishkin, T. Fong, L. Fesq, F. Figueroa, I. Nesnas, J. Sotudeh, K. Hambuchen, "Operating Autonomous Space Missions: NASA Study Outcomes," AGU Fall Meeting 2021, New Orleans, LA, pp. 13-17, 13 December 2021.
  2. I. Nesnas, B. Hockman, S. Bandopadhyay, B. Morrell, D. Lubey, J. Villa, D. Bayard, A. Osmundson, B. Jarvis, M. Bersani, S. Bhaskaran, "Autonomous Exploration of Small Bodies Toward Greater Autonomy for Deep Space Missions," Frontiers in Robotics and AI, Volume 8, 650885, 01 November 2021.
  3. H. Nayar and I. Nesnas, "Ocean Worlds Lander Autonomy Testbed," Jet Propulsion Laboratory, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 27 September 2021.
  4. B. Jarvis, G. Choi, B. Hockman, B. Morrell, S. Bandopadhyay, D. Lubey, J. Villa, S. Bhaskaran, B. Bayard, I. Nesnas, "3D Shape Reconstruction of Small Bodies From Sparse Features," IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, Volume 6, No. 4, pp. 7089-7096, 14 July 2021.
  5. Issa Nesnas, Lorraine Fesq, Richard Volpe, "Autonomy for Space Robots: Past, Present, and Future," Springer Current Robotics Reports, Volume 2, pp. 251-263, 19 June 2021.
  1. H. Price, I. Nesnas, G. Carr, A. Barchowsky, P. McGarey, "A Tethered Architecture for Long-Distance Power and Communication Transmission to Support Lunar Operations," JPL Open Repository, 27 October 2020.
  2. A. Diaz-Calderon, I.A. Nesnas, W.S. Kim, and H. Nayar, "Towards a Unified Representation of Mechanisms for Robotic Control Software," International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems, Vol. 3, No. 1, pp. 61-66, 2006., 17 September 2020.
  3. I.A. Nesnas, R. Simmons, D. Gaines, C. Kunz, A. Diaz-Calderon, T. Estlin, R. Madison, J. Guineau, M. McHenry, I. Shu, and D. Apfelbaum, "CLARAty: Challenges and Steps Toward Reusable Robotic Software," International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems, Vol. 3, No. 1, pp. 023-030, 2006., 17 September 2020.
  1. P. McGarey, W. Reid, I. Nesnas, "Towards Articulated Mobility and Efficient Docking for the DuAxel Tethered Robot System," 2019 IEEE Aerospace Conference, 05 March 2019.
  1. D. Gaines, R. Anderson, G. Doran, W. Huffman, H. Justice, R. Mackey, G. Rabideau, A. Vasavada, V. Verma, T. Estlin, L. Fesq, M. Ingham, M. Maimone, and I. Nesnas, "Productivity Challenges for Mars Rover Operations," Proceedings of 4th Workshop on Planning and Robotics (PlanRob), London, UK, pp. 115-125, 14 June 2016.
  1. I.A. Nesnas, "Coping with Hardware and Software Heterogeneity," book chapter to appear in the Software Engineering for Experimental Robotics, Springer Tracts on Advanced Robotics, edited by Davide Brugali, 01 January 2006.
  1. A. Howard, I.A. Nesnas, B. Werger, D. Helmick, "A Reconfigurable Robotic Exploration Vehicle for Extreme Environments," 10th International Symposium on Robotics and Applications, Seville, Spain, 01 June 2004.
  2. M.G. Bualat, C.G. Kunz , A.R. Wright, I.A. Nesnas, "Developing An Autonomy Infusion Infrastructure for Robotic Exploration," Proceedings of the 2004 IEEE Aerospace Conference, Big Sky, Montana, 06 March 2004.
  3. I. Nesnas, M. Bajracharya, R. Madison, E. Bandari, C. Kunz, M. Deans, M. Bualat, "Visual Target Tracking for Rover-based Planetary Exploration," IEEE Aerospace Conference, 01 March 2004.
  1. C. Urmson, R. Simmons, I. Nesnas, "A Generic Framework for Robotic Navigation," Proceedings of the IEEE Aerospace Conference, Big Sky Montana, 01 March 2003.
  1. T. Estlin, F. Fisher, D. Gaines, C. Chouinard, S. Schaffer, I. Nesnas, "Continuous Planning and Execution for an Autonomous Rover," Proceedings of the Third International NASA Workshop on Planning and Scheduling for Space,Houston, TX, 01 October 2002.
  1. I.A.D. Nesnas, R. Volpe, T. Estlin, H. Das, R. Petras D. Mutz, "Toward Developing Reusable Software Components for Robotic Applications," Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), Maui Hawaii, 01 November 2001.
  2. R. Volpe, I.A.D. Nesnas, T. Estlin, D. Mutz, R. Petras, H. Das, "The CLARAty Architecture for Robotic Autonomy," Proceedings of the 2001 IEEE Aerospace Conference, Big Sky, Montana, 01 March 2001.
  1. R. Volpe, I.A.D. Nesnas, T. Estlin, D. Mutz, R. Petras, H. Das, "CLARAty: Coupled Layer Architecture for Robotic Autonomy," Technical Report D-19975, 01 December 2000.
  1. I. Nesnas, M. Maimone, H. Das, "Autonomous Vision-Based Manipulation from a Rover Platform," November 1999 CIRA conference proceedings, Monterey, California., 01 November 1999.
  2. I. Nesnas, M. Maimone, H. and Nayar, "Rover Maneuvering for Autonomous Vision-Based Dexterous Manipulation," International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), San Francisco, CA, USA, 01 April 1999.