Jaret Matthews joined JPL in the summer of 2003 after completing an internship in the Robotic Vehicles Group (now Robotic Hardware Systems). Prior to arriving at JPL, Jaret earned a B.S. in Aerospace Engineering from Purdue University and a M.S. from ISU. He is presently working towards a M.S. in Mechanical Engineering at Stanford on evenings and weekends. Whilst in school, Jaret also interned with Pratt & Whitney's Rocket Propulsion Division in Florida and the NASA Haughton Mars Project in arctic Canada.
Jaret is presently serving as the project manager and lead systems engineer on the ATHLETE hex-limbed rover. He is also serving as project manager and lead mechanical/systems engineer on the Lunar Low Temperature Wheels and Advanced MEMS Prototype Mars Drilling System tasks.
Jaret has contributed to a diverse array of projects involving mobility, mechanization/actuation, and manipulation in extreme environments. Robots that he helped create have crawled in zero-g, sampled the ocean depths near Japan and Iceland, rolled across Greenland and the South Pole, punctured through ice shelves in Antarctica, and flown to the upper limits of Earth's atmosphere.
M.S. Mechanical Engineering (Present)
Stanford University Honors Cooperative Program
M.S. Space Studies(2003)
International Space University, Strasbourg, France
B.S. Aeronautics & Astronautics(2001)
Purdue University
JPL (2003 - Present)
Mechanisims/mechatronics design, robotic systems engineering, extreme environment robotics