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Jose Uribe


4800 Oak Grove Drive

Pasadena, CA 91109



Member of:

347A - Embedded Robotic Systems

Jose Uribe

Group Leader


Jose Uribe is a proud JPLer since 1998. Jose spent the first part of his career in the JPL Failure Analysis Lab working on some of the Labs most difficult problems at the time considered the JPL ER. After moving to the flight electronics group where he was part of various flight and non-flight deliveries, Jose is currently working in section 347 Embedded Robotic Systems. Always ready and excited to start a new task.


California State University Los Angeles,

Bachelor of Science in Geology

DeVry Institute of Technology,

Associate of Science in Electronics


First Aid / CPR, Electrostatic Discharge (ESD), ESD Control Auditor, Connector Mate and De-mate, Hazardous Waste Generator, Hazard Communication and Chemical Safety

Professional Experience

Failure Analyst, 1998 to 2015

As part of the Office of Mission Assurance organization, interface with Group, Section, Division, Program/Project management, and JPL contractors to perform failure analysis, parts analysis and material testing to ensure mission success.

  • Perform highly complex, critical and unique job functions in Failure Analysis (FA), Destructive Physical Analysis (DPA), and Part Construction Analysis (PCA)
  • Test and analyze a variety of electronic parts, mechanical parts and materials
  • Analyze complex failures to determine root cause
  • Design test methods to duplicate, and verify complex failures
  • Able to work as a team member or independently
  • Collaborate on a number of JPL tiger teams as well as other NASA center tiger teams
  • Represented NASA in Lab Sustainability audits of outside vendors
  • Provide recommendations for improving or preventing future problems
  • Serve as a mentor and coach for other team members
  • Utilize creativity and innovation to develop new techniques and tools for failure analysis
  • Extensive understanding and experience with MIL-STDs 750, 883 and 1580 as well as a variety of DLA MIL drawings
  • Excellent sample preparation and cross sectioning techniques
  • Ability to operate, maintain and calibrate all the necessary failure analysis tools and equipment
  • Certified to handle flight hardware and JPL critical items
  • Professional Experience - Equipment
  • Experience operating following equipment, but not limited to:
  • Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM), Atomic Force Microscope (AFM), Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM), Infrared (IR) microscopes and cameras, Emission Microscope for Multi-layer Inspection (EMMI), Dynamitron, X-Ray machines, a variety of optical microscopes, telescopes and cameras, probe stations, helium mass spectrometer for leak detection, Particle Impact Noise Detection (PIND), extreme temperature testing set up and operation, curve tracers, power supplies, multi-meters, oscilloscopes etc.

Integration and Test Engineer, 2015 to Present

Support bench and system testing for the development of flight electronics; setup and manage flight electronics labs. Support and lead environmental test campaigns.

  • M2020 Cold Encoder – oversaw qualification testing of 36 FM deliverable units, and magnetic wheel screening.
  • M2020 Brake Testing – oversaw testing of WSA brake testing to characterize slip and release torque
  • M2020 AEGSE – updated and requalified MSL Actuator EGSE (AEGSE) systems for build-to-print actuator and mechanism testing (mobility, Remote Sensing Mast (RSM), High Gain Antenna Gimbal (HGAG)). Subject matter expert for testing with AEGSE. Hand carried flight actuators internationally for hardware integration and training.
  • M2020 Flight Actuator test and delivery.
  • Europa Clipper Avionics Testbed- oversaw Commute Element (CE) electrical testing along with visiting instrument testing support. Integrated and maintained multiple test venues. Along with custom commercial chassis designed for 6U ERAD750
  • Psyche Avionics Testbed- supported Compute Element(CE) testing including multiple Environmental test campaigns. TVAC, Pyroshock and Vibration at JPL and offsite.
  • DARPA SubT- field support, logistics and robotic hardware support.
  • DARPA RACER- Lead safety driver, hardware lead, field support and logistics.
  • Europa Canary box environmental testing support.
  • GRACE-C DC/DC electrical testing.


  • 2003, Outstanding Accomplishment, MER Pyro Failure Analysis.
  • 2004, Outstanding leadership and contributions of the Mars Exploration Rover Mission Assurance Team.
  • 2007, DAWN HVEA Failure Investigation Team, The DAWN Project experienced a critical failure during system integration testing in the HVEA power supply.
  • 2011, Outstanding support of the MSL RTG Pyroshock Test. Team members provided instrumentation for a very complicated and sophisticated setup.
  • 2011, SAC-D ATLO-3/4 Cross-Support SME Team, The team provided subject matter expertise in various areas to support problems and issues related to the SAC-D service platform during the environmental testing.
  • 2012, Juno Parts Engineering Team, For the successful implementation of the Juno Parts Engineering Program.
  • 2012, GRAIL Electronic Parts Engineering Team, For outstanding accomplishment by the Electronic Parts Engineering Team leading to successful launch and operation of the GRAIL payload and spacecraft.
  • 2012, MSL Parts Engineering Support, For exceptional support and response to the MSL Project Parts Program.
  • 2013, MSL Electronic Parts Engineering Team, For outstanding Electronic Parts Engineering contributions leading to the successful launch and operation of the Mars Science Laboratory.
  • 2014, Outstanding support of the Europa Solar Cell Dynamitron Test.
  • 2015, For exceptional achievement and contribution to the successful development and implementation of the OCO-2 Mission
  • 2015, For developing, implementing and successfully executing a new Safety and Mission Assurance paradigm for low-cost flight technology demonstration
  • 2016, For exceptional achievement in providing Safety and Mission Assurance services to the SMAP mission
  • 2017, Jose took initiative to train new employees in his former organization to help offload his ability to support his current project in our organization.
  • 2017, Successful completion and delivery of Actuator EGSE to customers, ahead of schedule and under budget.
  • 2017, For successful diagnosis and return to nominal operations of the VSTB after Arm flex cabling short, including installation of work-around dongle.
  • 2019, For outstanding technical support and creative problem solving to successfully complete thermal vacuum testing of the M2020 HGAS in Spain.
  • 2019, Outstanding technical, teamwork, and communication skills resulting in the testing, installation and delivery of the full M2020 actuator flight set
  • 2020, COVID Restart, For outstanding initiative, contributions and critical support in the restarting of Avionics testing operations.
  • 2021, For the Successful Completion of the PCE FM Functional and Environmental Test Campaign and Delivery to ATLO
  • 2022, Repair and return to service of a M2020 RCE to the VSTB
  • 2022, Supported team safety and mechanical integration for RACER working tirelessly during field location testing and Race 1 coordination
  • 2023, The team executed a three-week campaign conducting sampling autonomy activities on a glacier surface using a lander mockup equipped with a custom robotic arm and perception system. The team exceeded its baseline activity objectives and demonstrated the feasibility of end-to-end sampling autonomy for a Europa Lander mission
  • 2024, The Europa Clipper Compute Element (ECE) is the spacecraft flight computer and a very complex hardware/firmware assembly. “It provides all the long-term, non-volatile storage for the mission and executes the flight software behavior and implement the mission itself. This hardware is the heart of the spacecraft, without which there could be no mission. Successful design/build/test/delivery of the Flight Models was a huge milestone and the performance of these assemblies after delivery has been excellent”. Jeff Srinivasan, Flight System Manager, Clipper Project

Flight Project and Research Task Involvement

Research Tasks
DARPA Subterranean Challenge


  1. J. Blank, B. Morrell, T. Kim, M. Saboia, S. Moon, X. Lei, M. Kaufmann, C. Patterson, J. Uribe, P. Dobson, R. Kirby, R. Sleater, B. Bieler, and A. Agha-mohammadi, "Testing Operational Designs for a Future Robotic Mission to a Martian Lava Tube," 2023 International Astronautical Congress (IAC), Baku, Azerbaijan, 01 October 2023.